A Family Portrait: Nick & Kerrie

Just over a month ago when I was getting together some work for my wedding photo portfolio, Kerrie got in touch with me to recreate one of their photos and you can see that here: Wedding portrait. Kerrie really loved it and asked if I was able to create a family portrait for her, to give as a present to Nick on Father’s Day. Of course I was honoured and super excited to start creating it. Drawing people in my style is actually one of the most enjoyable things I draw.

The reference image.

Kerrie gave birth to her beautiful daughter just before lock down and due to this, there’s not really too many photos of them as a family altogether but thanks to the recent relaxing of rules, there’s a photo of them altogether and if I say so myself, looking super happy. This was the perfect picture to recreate for their first family portrait.

The final image.

For the final image, I of course followed the positioning of all three of them in this image. I just brought them closer together and then removed the cloth from Kerrie’s hands. The photos all about the love this way and less about the detail. I hope you love the final piece as much as I do and if you’d like your own family portrait done, be sure to get in touch with me on either Instagram or via email. I love helping bring your photographs to life!

Love, always – B
*For commissions, please email me or get in touch on Instagram*
I also have an Etsy shop: beccabynature

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