Minty Lipgloss That Will Have Everyone Wanting to Kiss You!

I’ve never been the biggest lipgloss fan. I hate when it your hair gets stuck in it and I hate the feel of gloop on your lips. Nevertheless, this doesn’t stop me from forever searching for a gorgeous lipgloss as I absolutely love the look of juicy lips.

On my recent trip to Dublin, I headed into Victoria Secrets at the airport and was blown away by the amount of lipglosses they had – it actually made it really hard for me to choose.

I decided to go for one that was clear – I actually prefer the look of clear lipgloss than a lot of the pigmented ones and I saw they did this gorgeous one called Minty Shine (£9.09, Victoria Secrets).

I applied a lot of them to my hands and none of them felt overly gloopy, this was got my attention however as it’s super minty – and I love mint.

As soon as I got home I applied this to my lips and the minty-ness of the lipgloss makes you feel so fresh, literally as if you’ve just brushed your teeth it’s so strange. There’s no minty tingling – in case you were wondering – and the lipgloss itself is SUPER SHINY.

Everything I could have asked for from a lipgloss.

After a few hours wear I also noticed that although the shine does wear down, it leaves your lips feeling very moisturised – almost conditioned I would say – and the minty-ness sticks around for an hour or so.

If you’re like me, you’ll find yourself reapplying this gloss simply because it tastes so good – yes, I may have had a little lick or two.

If you’re going on a date – this would be the perfect freshen up before a smooch – just make sure you don’t put too much on or you may slip and slide all over the place.

Have you tried any of the other Victoria Secrets glosses? I’d love to know what your favourites are.

Love, always.


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