Dog Commissions

If you follow me on here or on my Instagram, it’ll be no surprise to you that I’m a big dog lover. Whether it’s my own dogs, friend’s dogs or simply just any one else’s dogs, I love each and every one of them.

When I started doing my illustrations, it made complete sense to me that I draw dogs. Of course, I started with my own and then did a couple for my friends just to test the waters.

Now I can draw yours.

Illustrating is not only my passion, it’s something I’d love to do for a living. After all, doesn’t everyone want to make money doing something they love?

To help support me in making this passion, I now offer dog commissions. After all, I’d love to draw your dogs and if you like my work, this means you get an lovely illustration of your furry love.


So you can order the portraits from my Etsy page but if you’re lucky enough to have read down this post, I’ve got an offer just for you. At the moment, my portraits are £20 for a plain portrait (this is digital and A5 print) or £22 if you’d like their name/text and some extras (such as paw prints or hearts).

If you come and follow me on my Instagram @thebeccabynature and drop me a DM quoting ‘BANANAS’ with your portrait request, I’ll knock you £3 off, as I know where you’ve come from.

Please note, the discount will apply for both £20 and £22 portraits but if you’re not from the UK, an extra charge of £3 will be required for posting.

Even if you’re not interested in a pet portrait, my commissions are available for you to discuss anything you have in mind. I love working with you all and every little sale adds up!

Support is my favourite too, so come and be friends with me on Instagram for more illustrations, inspiration and daily life stories.

Love, always – B
Etsy shop: beccabynature

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