It’s My Birthday

Oh my god, can you believe I’m nearing closer to the big 3-0. It feels like only yesterday I was at uni living it up with no cares in the world and now here I am with my own house, married with two beautiful dogs and trying to live out my travel fantasies before really settling down to start a family. Oh where does the time go?

Although the past 4 months haven’t been the best, the last year of my life has been pretty insane. I’ve spent so much quality time with my friends either on my hen dos or theirs, at my wedding or theirs and of course, spending time chilling out with my friends either at the cinema or houses and having a jolly good time.

I’ve travelled more of the world and completed my ‘once in a lifetime’ experience of going on Safari in Kenya – a trip that will be in my heart forever.

Of course the biggest change is that I’m now a Mrs. It still feels really strange to actually say Mrs, although wife is something I’m used to now putting Mrs instead of Miss on forms is really weird and very grown up – something I’m not sure I want to be yet!

I feel like I’ve learnt a lot in the past year. I’ve learnt who my real friends are but most importantly I feel like I’ve really learnt who I am, what I like, what I want to do and where I want to go. After all, in the words of RuPaul ‘If you can’t love yourself how in the hell are you gonna love someone else? Can I get an Amen up in here?’

27, you’ve been a blast. Now let’s try 28 on for size!

Love, always – B
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I also have an Etsy shop: beccabynature

10 thoughts on “It’s My Birthday

  1. Happy birthday, Becca!!!!! I am more than twice your age, so please, you have many wonderful years and travels ahead of you, once this pandemic has been addressed.


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