The Perfect Pear

Do you see what I did there? I bloody love a good food pun but on a more serious (well, not too serious) note, let’s talk pears!

I’ll be completely honest. they’re not a fruit I ever go out of my way to buy in the supermarkets but I should definitely buy them more often as they’re extremely delicious and as you’ll see from this post, they have loads of health benefits.


A pear is a great way to get some vitamins and minerals into your diet. They contain the following;

♡ Vitamin C
♡ Vitamin K
♡ Copper
♡ Potassium
♡ Fiber
♡ Folate

These are great for helping with blood pressure, blood clotting, the immune system and also cell renewal. What more could you want from a delicious snack?

Let’s talk fiber.

Fiber is important to the diet, as it helps the gut digest your food so it’s able to take on the good stuff and quite honestly, poo out the bad.

Pears have both soluble and insoluble fiber, which help maintain bowel regularity and one medium pear contains around 22% of your daily intake. Most of the fiber itself is in the peel, so when eating a pear – leave the skin on!

Can help diseases.

Due to the vitamins contained within pears, along with the flavonoid antioxidants, they’re a great way to fight inflammation. In turn, this can help to decrease the risk of things such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Isn’t that just great?

How to eat them.

Now personally, I like to eat pears just like you would an apple, straight up. But there’s loads of different ways you can enjoy and get this fruit into your daily diet.

Many people like to poach pears and have them as part of a dessert. Others like to eat them alongside nuts, so you have the contrast of sweet and salty. Pears are also great for incorporating into savoury dishes – think apple sauce but pears.

What’s your favourite way to eat a pear? I’d love to know!

Don’t forget to check out my Instagram for more illustration, daily stories about me and my life and also inspiration!

Love, always – B
Etsy shop: beccabynature

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