My Current Perfect Iced Coffee

Iced coffee to me is the perfect treat for when you want to be a little naughty, but not too much. It’s also great if you’re after that extra little kick of energy or a pick me up, without fancying a hot drink.

There’s so many different ways people make iced coffee and due to lockdown, we’re all having to make them from home rather than pick one up from our local drive thru. For this reason, I’m telling you how I currently make my perfect one!

What you need;

♡ Nescafe Azera Espresso
♡ Almond Milk
♡ Vanilla Syrup (any is fine, I’m currently using the Simply sugar free one)
♡ Milk frother (I use the Cookspace one from Amazon, you can buy it here: £23.99)
♡ Ice
♡ Boiling water


♡ Boil the kettle and into the milk frother put 1 1/2 tea spoons of Azera coffee, a squirt of syrup (which equals 10ml) and 1 1/2 tablespoons (or just a good splash) of boiling water. Side note: if you prefer your coffee sweeter, just add more syrup.
♡ In the frother use the cool setting to froth the mixture you’ve put into it until it’s a nice smooth consistency, without looking too much like the famous whipped coffees that are all over the internet.
♡ Then take your glass, add ice and your choice of milk. Personally, I’m an almond gal and fill it half way.
♡ Add the frothed coffee mixture to the glass and watch that bad boy pour straight in – trust me, this is what dreams are made of.
♡ Once the frothed mixtures started seeping into the milk, you can either top it up with more milk if you like it creamy or like me, just add a little water. You could add 3/4 of your cup first but I don’t like to add too much in case it flows over.
♡ Then all you’ve got to do is enjoy!

Of course, this recipe can be totally mixed up to suit you better. Myabe you’d prefer a different syrup or simply none at all. Maybe you’re making double the amount of coffee froth as you prefer your iced coffees strong, that’s fine. This is simply my go to.

I’d love to know what your favourite coffee syrup is, so make sure to pop it in the comments below!

Love, always – B
Shopify: Becca By Nature
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