Prodigy Peanut Caramel Cahoots

One of my favourite parts of every month is getting my The Vegan Kind box in the post. There’s always some good treats in there and if you want to see everything I got in my May box, make sure to check out my post on it here: May The Vegan Kind Unboxing.

When I opened the box, I saw this Prodigy Peanut Caramel Cahoot bar and immediately the colours reminded me of a Mars bar, which used to be one of my favourite chocolate bars pre-vegan.

A vegan dream.

When I eventually got around to treating myself to this bar, I wasn’t disappointed in the slightest, I was actually blown away. Everything about it tasted like a Mars and Snickers had had a baby and boy, was I glad.

It felt like such a treat to eat and it’s actually not that bad for you, which is even more amazing! It’s described by Prodigy themselves as wonderfully nutty, sweet and salty, smooth and delicious.

Eat no evil.

Another amazing thing about Prodigy is their ‘eat no evil’ tagline and attitude. Their bars ares vegan, refined-sugar free, dairy-free and plastic-free.

Prodigy bars feature all-natural ingredients including raw cacao butter and cacao nibs,  unrefined coconut sugar and lucuma.  They’re only 7.3g of unrefined sugar and contain 6g of fibre. Essentially, they’re not too bad for you at all!

I may have placed an order.

I loved the Prodigy bar so much that I ended up heading straight over to their website and buying £21 worth of chocolate. I got myself a six pack of the peanut caramel cahoots, some coconut cahoots (because I love a bounty) and also their chunky milk chocolate bar. To see their whole range, head on over to their website here: Prodigy Snacks.

I’ll be sure to get back with a review of the two other bars once I’ve tried them out but it’s safe to say, these will be a staple of my life for many years to come!

Love, always – B
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