Dill With It

Pickles, pickles, pickles. I love them. In a salad, on a burger, fried, battered or just eating them out of the jar with a spoon I’m there. But are they actually any good for you? Well, we’re about to find out!


Most pickles that you buy from the supermarket are soaked in vinegar. The vinegar helps to give the pickles themselves that tangy taste which we all know and love. If you can find a jar that has the ‘mother culture’ to the vinegar, this is a great way of giving your body the good bacteria.

Pickle juice is good for you.

Now I don’t know if you’ve ever drank pickle juice before but it’s not as bad as it sounds. The only time I’ve personally had some was as a ‘pickle chaser’ after a whiskey shot.. what can I say that’s just me as a person! But there’s evidence to show that pickle juice can help with muscle cramps, weight loss, diabetes and more due to the nutrients of the pickles and the benefits of vinegar itself.


Yes, here I am again telling you about antioxidants but do you blame me? They’re great for you and in all fruit and veg, including pickles. The antioxidants help to fight the free radicals in your body, which are essentially chemicals that form and can cause diseases such as heart disease and cancer. The more antioxidants you have, the more free radicals will be fought by your body. Pretty cool right?


To help with the preservation of the pickles, lots of salt is used in line with the vinegar which in turn, makes them not the healthiest snack going. A way of giving yourself the freedom to eat as many as you want is by making them yourself and from what I’ve read, it’s super easy to do. I’d advise going onto Google to check out the recipe that suits you the most!

Do you love pickles? Do you even call them pickles or gherkins or dill pickles? I want to know, so let me know in the comments below.

Love, always – B
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4 thoughts on “Dill With It

  1. I love an olive! I noticed they are nicer to eat when they’re not too cold – so I think they ought to come out the fridge a few hours rather than eating them straight away 🙂


    1. I’m not personally an olive fan unless I’m in the mood 😂 glad you enjoy them though, they’re great for you!


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