Check Yourself Like You Check Your Phone

Oh girl, this post was so inspired to my dear friend Tash. She messaged me like ‘this is something you could make into a cute picture’ and I couldn’t agree more. Keeping check on yourself is so so important.

Now don’t get me wrong, here you are reading my post and maybe scrolling my blog or my Instagram feed after this and all of these things you may be on your phone. The point is, are you doing this for yourself or because you’re bored? I’ve tried so recently to make sure all of my posts are enriching and make you think more about either yourself or the world around you. If it’s not that, I like to make sure they’re educational, so you’re not just reading my posts for no reason.

I think the main point is to make sure you’re doing things for you and checking yourself. This means taking the time for self-care, taking the time to educate yourself on something you believe in or want to stand up for, maybe it’s giving yourself 10 minutes of meditation or rather than spending 20 minutes scrolling pictures of models on Instagram, going on a walk and maybe listening to some music?

So, today why not take the 10-15 minutes you’d usually spend scrolling and do something for yourself? I know I’m going to!

Love, always – B
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